Confessions of a libyan girl

I think the title says it all!

Location: Benghazi, Libya

Friday, February 24, 2006

After reading many many Libyan blogs, I decided that I would jump on the so called wagon and create my own. So here I am creating my first blog and who knows where it can take me. For years I've always wanted to write a book something similar to this.. Why do I want to write a book? Well after many many Libyan stories and just crazy events that have happened to me, my friends (who are mostly non Libyan) told me that I should write a book and even one claimed: "Dude you write a book, I will definitely buy it!!" so it got me thinking.. hmm why not??! But due to my serious case of procrastination... I am still in phase one of writing my so called book: thinking stage... and I have been stuck in this phase for 3 years now? Yah give or take...

so for now this blog will have to do until I can get myself together and start writing my book.. which by the way I plan to write when I have free time.. ( I was thinking when I'm on maternity leave! Yes because the way I see it.. by then I must have free time!!.. I will be out of school, and If im working I would use the "maternity leave" to go and write my book.. and I plan to marry an "understanding" Libyan guy who will support me in doing so .. hehehe But putting marriage and Mr. perfect on the side for now.. this is what is going on in my life:

I am Libyan, I have lived most of my life.. well technically all of my life abroad.. and yet I have this love for Libya that cannot be expressed in words.. and even so.. I don't think I would do a really good job of expressing it because it would simply not be enough. I only get to visit Libya during the summers and I love every minute of it. I feel like I have this strong attachment to this country. You know, the first time I visited Libya was back in 1996, at the time there was an embargo and we arrived in Tunisia so that we would enter Libya by car... (oh the memories.. I will definitely be adding that experience in my book) anyway, I'm in the airport and I realize OMG I am only one country away from being inside Libya.. and my heart races... and I mean it.. I feel like there is this uttermost joy in my chest that I fear that I will pass out before I even get the chance to be reunited with my long lost love! For a minute I know how it feels like to have a long distance relationship and the waiting of two lovers who are about to meet after such a long time of being apart... but in my case, its me and a country.. strange? maybe.. but even so, I could not wait to go to Libya. So since 96, I have been visiting Libya every summer and occasionally during the winter breaks when I got the chance. My love for Libya has grown and grown by every trip that I am "musur" that I want to move back.

So here I am, 24, with 2 degrees.. and the third on its way Insha-Allah, and I have many many plans and goals that I want to accomplish in Libya. Maybe I wont be known there as a big name but if I can help people and better their lives in even a small way then I know I have done what I was put on this earth to do. Crazy? maybe.. but I like to think of it as "ambition that knows no end." I will talk about it here and hopefully as it unfolds and include the good, the bad, the ugly of how it all comes down ;)

Enjoy and thanks for visiting my blog


Blogger Akram said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, CONGRATULATION two degrees and with my best wishes.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Akram said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, ;)

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done and good luck ! Hope 2 c u from time 2 time in here and listen 2 more of ur interesting love !


3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


we will see how you feel and think after few months of posting your lovely blog also ,,,,wellcome to the Banana Republic,,,,last but not least i hope they do not arrange your life with a man from Benghazi oh my lord dont they Smell hehe and lie alot.

Punch line

6:50 PM  
Blogger Highlander said...

Mabrouk ya Benghazeeya and welcome home and on the blogosphere! we are a great family .

as for anonymous 6.50 PM , Benghazi men's accent is so seeeeeeeeexy man and they look gorgeous too .

9:40 AM  
Blogger benghazeeya said...

thank you all for the kind welcome :) and as much as I do love my brothers in benghazi, but it looks like my naseeb is in Tripoli.. :) keep coming back.. i will have a new post sometime this week :)

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah :::{

4:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it feeling / willing / hoping / dreaming or fact that your naseeb is in Tripoli !? Or may be some thing to do with the 3 degrees you having at the age of 24 ? come on just tell us the truth about all that and Benghazi... That could be the title of your new posting from Tripoli... He Heee .. Take it down a bit and all the best.


1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey .. I thaought materinity leaves are for changing new babies nappies and feeding it and bathing it and and and and .. it is not for writing books .. Just ask around and y'll be told the truth of reality ... lol

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey .. hey .. hey .. why not from Misurata ;-)

6:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish you the best in life!

Ya 7*sara

6:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way you felt when you first went to Libya and you now feel about Benghazi is not crazy at all. I do recall my return after many years in the summer of 2004 and how I felt. Benghazi has always had that affect on its people. Rabayat El thaih....
I have just discovered these Libya Blogs and I love them. I hope to see more.

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wish you the best in life!

aa 7*tra

12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Benghaziya!

I am a pakistani guy, living in libya since my childhood.Its nice to llisten about so open-minded libyan gurl and read her thoughts.
Hope listen more from U


With best wishes

Majid M Khan

2:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey bangazya... i like wutcha doin..keep it up..and i sure wish ya the best of luck u can get... but yet... i lived most of ma life abroad... raised in cnada which to me i refer 2 it as home... i went 2 libya 2 summers ago never liked it... i just simply felt like an outsider...and just cant cope with it... especailly when ma parents thinkin of goin back and believe me this is just gonna lead me to a complete madness... now pce and take care

11:47 AM  
Blogger Ala said...

hi all,,, you sound interesting, hope this helps in encouraging you to continue writing, if not then you can always contact one of your friends and share thoughts – consider cofman one of your potential friends,, any time really,, hope all goes well

2:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm half Libyan, half british.. I just can't stand the fact of ever living in Libya.. ooops!

2:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its so funny, i used to be in love with a Libyan guy from Benghazi, but it was a huge mistake. I think the previous commentor was correct in saying that men from Benghazi lie a lot. Good thing im not with him now. Take good care of yourself when you go there. Distiguish well who the real people are. Keep posting great blogs.

2:20 AM  

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